I loved this piece on PRI The World (awesome radio program I listen to nearly daily) today on the The 6 highly effective habits of the creative genius.
I decided I’d make my own list of highly effective habits, and of course, I want to know yours!
This book, Profiles of Female Genius, wasn’t spoken about in the radio piece, but I wanted to feature a picture of a woman genius, instead of Benjamin Franklin, posted on PRI’s page. I did a quick search for an image in Flickr and didn’t find one. I did a google search and found this book. Whew!
Here’s mine:
- Stay the source. Keep writing. My mantra is “Persistence pays.”
- Write anywhere. Anytime. I share this trait with the geniuses listed in the article.
- Track my writing progress. I like to acknowledge every step I take.
- Get feedback from trusted confidants. I have my husband, critique group, and beta readers.
- Experiment. Try new things. Stretch yourself. I’m always surprised what new creative capacity I have if I but go for it.
- Get a good night’s sleep. And walk a lot. Both a lot.
- I drink coffee. Hail to coffee!
Now your turn! Go!
The post Highly effective habits of the creative genius by Beth Barany appeared first on Writer's Fun Zone.